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Dr. Robin Higgs, Medico Legal Doctor, Sydney Australia Australian Engineering Legal Consultant - Dr. Higgs
Dr. Robin Higgs, Orthopaedic Surgeon Dr. Robin Higgs, Orthopaedic Surgeon

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10 things you didn’t know about Dr. Higgs

1. Dr. Robin Higgs started his medical career at St Bartholomew’s Hospital, the oldest hospital in London. He learned his orthopaedics first hand after being hospitalized for 3 months as a medical student following an accident.

2. He undertook a testing selection course to become a member of UK Special Forces, later serving in Malaya, Hong Kong, Singapore and Europe. He commanded a parachute field surgical unit and completed many parachute drops before emigrating to Australia in 1975.

3. He has canoed from the top to the bottom of Holland in a canoe he built himself and he has driven, in a VW Beetle, from Calcutta to London.

4. He has held professorial academic appointments in three Universities all at the same time in four different Faculties.

i. University of Sydney (Faculty of Medicine & Engineering)
ii. University of Technology (Faculty of Science)
iii. University of New South Wales (Faculty of Biomedical Engineering)

5. He was painted for the Archibald Prize by Jocelyn Maughan in 1997.

6. Robin has been awarded three post- graduate medals.

i. The prestigious Pauwel’s Medal – awarded by the German Orthopaedic Society for contributions to World Orthopaedic Research in general and for contribution to the understanding of the Biomechanics of the Hip Joint in particular.
ii. The Marshall Webb Medal for Military Medicine (London University)
iii. Tow Prize Medal in surgery at the University of NSW.

7. He graduated as a Master of Engineering on the same day as his son (William) at The University of Sydney in 1999.

8. He was the Medical Director of the Wales Helicopter Service in 1976. He was recommended for a bravery award for rescuing a sailor from a burning boat at the start of the Sydney to Hobart race in 1977. This featured on the front page of the Melbourne Age.

9. He is the sole inventor of the Concord Shoulder Prosthesis.

10. He was the first to introduce ceramic orthopaedic implants and cement free fixation in Australia in 1980

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© Dr. Robin Higgs, Medico Legal Consultant Sydney Australia
Dr. Robin Higgs, Orthopaedic Surgeon